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Vegans, meat-eaters: how to get your B12 ?
Does it matter to be NATURAL ? Here is a Youtube channel of an unnatural vegan that I like (plus she akwardly looks like me :O )
Does it matter to be NATURAL ? Here is a Youtube channel of an unnatural vegan that I like (plus she akwardly looks like me :O )
And I was nice – I put quality organic lentils up against the supermarket barbecue meat that people eat.
Les erreurs des antispécistes sont constamment instrumentalisées, non pas contre eux, mais contre les animaux, pour les massacrer et les torturer.
My comics are on Tumblr, but I dont know who is translating and posting them… Can you contact me please?
Hi english speaker folks, So here is my comic about carnism (I have been requested for a translation for a long time). This comic is based on the works of Melanie Joy and on the french Cahiers Antispécistes. If you are willing to read this comic, you must keep in Read more…